Friday, May 4, 2007


You walked me home from my first party
You gave me my first real kiss
You made me feel good but there was too a twist

You got me pregnant
You cried "please don't kill nothing don't let nothing die"
then you said goodbye
Only to come back six years later with tears in your eyes.

I forgave youwe moved on
then a week later you were gone.

While you were gone,I matured, had two more, of course they weren't yours
We would see each other in passing but never said a word
Occasionally you would get caught asking, "how you and your man doing"
Fine I would reply, and think to myself I just told a bold face lie.

I smile as I have nothing left to say
all because of how you walked away.

Time has gone by, and once again you have caught my eye.
Your eye, my eye--the eyes don't lie

You pursued me for months
I continued with the front knowing that inside I wanted to try.

Finally you can't take no more
You pin me against the fridge door
Kissing me with all your passion looking for my reaction
Nothing, is what I tell you because love will always fail you

You and I eventually became friends
strong friends, even sweet loving friends
but all things must come to an end.

When it is time to say goodbye just know
You where that special guy

We will kiss our last kiss
say our final farewells....

Goodbye to you ----This time forever is what I will say as we watch each other walk away.

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